
The website belongs to the Company with the name "Eunice Trading S.A." and the d.t. "EUNICE POWER" (the Company), which created it in order to offer information and services to its users.

The use of the website is governed by these terms (terms) which users must read carefully to understand them and only if they agree should they proceed to use the services and content of this website. The use of the website implies unconditional acceptance of the terms of use of the entire aforementioned website.

The Company may at any time, without any notice and for any reason whatsoever, renew and modify partially or totally the present terms, if it is deemed necessary to improve the services offered. The Visitor/User should periodically check the terms for possible modifications, while the continued use of the website implies re-acceptance of the modified terms by the Visitor/User.

The terms of use of the website and any modification thereof are governed by the National and Community law and any relevant international conventions. Therefore, any provision of these terms and conditions that is contrary to the applicable legal framework shall automatically cease to be valid, without affecting the validity of the other terms and conditions.

Limitation of Liability - Disclaimer

The Company will do whatever is necessary for the proper functioning of this website, but does not guarantee that its operation will be continuous, without errors or other problems. It also makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding the completeness, correctness and suitability of the content of the website for any use, application and purpose. The Company in any case, including the case of negligence, is not liable for any damage (positive or consequential) suffered or caused to third parties by the Visitor/User of the content of the Website and its services, which he/she undertakes on his/her own initiative and with full knowledge of these terms.

The Company strives for the maintenance and availability of its Website. Nevertheless, Users accept the right of the Company to modify and even discontinue, either permanently or temporarily, all or part of the Website even without notice, since availability may be affected by many and varied reasons, such as, for example, the large number of Visitors, but also other reasons. Therefore, the Company is not liable for any damage (positive or consequential, negligent, intercontractual or otherwise) resulting from the use of the above right of the Company and the inability of Users to access and use the Website, or the cessation of operation of all or part of the Website. In any case, the Company reserves the right at any time to temporarily or permanently discontinue part or all of its website for maintenance or upgrade purposes or for any reason whatsoever.

Obligations of Visitor, User

The Visitor/User declares responsibly that he/she will use the website legally and in accordance with the present terms and that he/she will not use the company's website for other reasons that are not legal and illegal, such as for sending, publishing, transmit content that is illegal, threatening, harassing, obscene, or that expresses empathy, racial, or other discriminatory content, or infringes patents, trademarks, copyrights, or proprietary rights of others, whether intentionally or unintentionally. For any damage caused to the Company, by the above mentioned bad or improper use of the relevant services by the Visitor/User, the User is solely responsible.

The User is responsible for the costs of access and use of the website, compared to those who ensure this possibility (e.g. telephone charges and internet service charges).

Intellectual property rights

The entire content of the website including but not limited to trademarks, logos, symbols, images, pictures, drawings, photographs or related products and goods, and applications, constitute intellectual property rights belonging to EUNICE POWER and are protected by legislative provisions of domestic and European law, but also by international conventions. Any copying and in general any direct or indirect use of them is prohibited, and their inclusion on the Website must not be understood as a transfer, or as an assignment of a license or right to use them. Exceptionally, EUNICE POWER Company grants, to the Visitors of its Website and to the Users of its services, the possibility of only personal use of its copyrights, and without the possibility of different use and further disposal with or without consideration.

Protection of personal data

The protection of the Visitor's/User's personal data is governed by Law 2472/1997, as amended and in force ("Personal Data Protection Law") and the relevant European Directives (Directive 95/46/EC and Directive 97/66/EC). The User consents to the processing of his/her personal data by EUNICE POWER Company.

EUNICE POWER is committed to the security of the data it collects and has adopted practices that protect the personal data provided by the Users in order to prevent any unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or misuse. The collection and processing of Users' personal data is done in order to improve the Services provided. For more information on how personal data is used, Users should refer to the EUNICE POWER Privacy Policy which is an integral part of these Terms and is available at

Contact with the Company

For any issue, question or clarification you can contact the customer service department of EUNICE POWER, at 801 11 88000 (from a landline), 210 7294512 or by e-mail at

Applicable Law - Jurisdiction

These Terms and any modification thereof shall be governed by Greek Law. For any dispute that may arise from this agreement and which cannot be resolved out of court, the competent courts of Athens are designated as the competent courts.

Other provisions

These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the respective User and EUNICE POWER in relation to its subject matter, superseding any previous agreement, oral or written, by any means, including electronic, that may have been concluded.

Any failure by EUNICE POWER to exercise any right under this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such right, but may be exercised at any time by EUNICE POWER in its sole discretion.


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